Mainland netizens criticize “Sunshine Angel” for being a decaying drama

There have been an augmenting array of Taiwanese statue dramas collaborating with mainland investors and TV networks; as partial of a process, TV networks contingency wait to get an capitulation from mainland’s administration of radio and radio before broadcasting a play in Taiwan. However, as reported earlier, Hunan TV “surprised” GTV by completing a airing of “Sunshine Angel” in 9 days, withdrawal GTV and Comic Ritz in annoy and frustration.

GTV creatively designed to premiere “Sunshine Angel” in a summer, though Taiwan will be a second run. Despite a array is now entirely permitted on streaming (from Hunan TV) and circulated on a web, GTV voiced that a chronicle Hunan TV aired was not finish and criticized a network’s messy work on editing. GTV serve voiced that they will arrange to atmosphere a play as shortly as possible. Production company, Comic Ritz, voiced that they will leave all adult to GTV to decide.

Although a mainland got a initial run of “Sunshine Angel”, it did not accept high praises from internal viewers and was deemed a decaying drama. Since a play is a reconstitute of a Korean drama, “Success Story of a Bright Girl”, many netizens criticized Rainie Yang and Wu Chun for their bad behaving compared to a original. Some even boycotted examination a array since Rainie spoke Japanese in it, criticizing her of being a Japanophile.
Source: UDN via popasia

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