Kim Hyun Joong Confirmed to Appear in ‘Boys Over Flowers 2’

On the episode of KBS 2TV’s “Win Win,” that aired on Sept. 15, Kim Hyun Joong told Song Byung Joon, the producer of the KBS drama “Boys over flowers” that he wanted to appear in a new season of the drama. Song, who emerged recently as having the “midas touch” in the drama world after he produced hit TV dramas such as “Boys over flowers,” “Sorry, I love you,” “Couple or trouble,” and others, appeared on the Thursday episode.

Song is now producing the musical “Goong,” an adaptation of the 2006 MBC TV series “Goong.” Kim Hyun Joong paid a visit to his fellow member of SS501, Kim Kyu Jong, during the latter’s rehearsal for the musical. Song and Kim Hyun Joong teamed up as producer and actor in “Boys over flowers,” respectively. Kim Kyu Jong is appearing in the musical as the protagonist.

Song welcomed Kim Hyun Joong at the rehearsal room and said, “At the time of producing ‘Boys over flowers,’ I regarded Hyun Joong the No.1 casting candidate for the Rui role among the F4 (four flowers boys).” At that, Kim, who played the role of Ji Hoo in the drama, said that his character in the drama, as a flower boy, was completely different from his own character, saying, “I like rude and wild plays. I am a long way from the character in romance comics.”

He went on, “Many calls and messages poured in from my friends and acquaintances after the episodes came to an end, that said ‘What’s the matter with you?” He confessed, “I would turn off my phone around the end of broadcast. As many as 40 messages would be sent.”

However, Kim, who was called “Jihoo-seonbae” in the drama, gained great popularity through the drama and received adoration from the viewers.

Kim said to producer Song, “Please call me when you produce ‘Boys over flowers 2.’” Song responded affirmatively, saying, “Were his remarks recorded? A man should keep his word.” It seemed Kim’s appearance in the season 2 was confirmed by the producer, producing excitement and laughter in the audience.

Song talked about his life after he married Lee Seung Min, who is 19 years younger than he, on the episode. He said, “My wife proposed to me first,” which aroused envy in the audience.

source: KBS Global by Honorary Reporter Seong Hyeun Mi
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