Show Luo’s “Only for you” is Best-selling Album

Show Luo and Stefanie Sun

Last year, singer Show Luo’s album Rashomon was crowned the Best-selling Album of the Year, beating the likes of singers Jay Chou and Jolin Tsai. The singer proved his popularity again this year.

According to calculations from five major recording companies, Show Luo’s Only For You grabbed the Best-selling Album of the Year title, with more than 150,000 copies of his albums sold.

Stefanie Sun, who returned to showbiz with the album It’s Time after four years of absence, came in second, having sold 75,000 copies of her album.

Although this figure paled in comparison to that of her album Kite — which sold 380,000 copies in 2001 — Stephanie’s ability to clinch the second spot after a four-year hiatus showed her unwavering appeal in the music industry.

Newcomers on the chart include Fahrenheit member Aaron Yan and S.H.E member Hebe Tien.

Aaron’s debut solo album The Next Aaron Yan achieved good results, coming in at third position, with 68,000 copies of albums sold. Hebe was placed at fourth position with 48,000 copies of her album My Love sold.

In fifth position was A-Mei. Her album Are You Looking at Me, released in April, sold a total of 45,000 copies.

With a combination of personal effort, his company’s hard work and his fans’ support, Show managed to secure the top spot again.

On Nov 15, Show expressed that he is “thankful for his fans’ support” and that he probably could not go to sleep.

“I really enjoy this feeling. I hope this could go on,” he said.

Commenting on newcomer Aaron, Show mischievously said, “Looks like I’m going to have competition! That really gives me the motivation to work harder.”

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