According To MTV iggy: Yoon Mirae, “Queen Of South Korean Hip Hop”

Yet another Korean artist has been elevated to a global attention-worthy status.

The music blog site MTV iggy for the US’s MTV network recently posted a ranking of the 12 best new female emcees dominating mics everywhere. Here, Korea’s very own Yoon Mi-rae was included, being dubbed the Queen of South Korean Hip Hop.

The list included a mini write-up of the star noting her marriage to the “King of hip hop” Tiger JK, having been born in the US with a soulful voice, and her undeniable rapping skills.

She shared the honor with the likes of Mexico’s indie hip hop star Nina Dioz, Muthoni The Drummer Queen originally from Kenya, Arabyrd from Malaysia, Chile’s Ana Tijoux, and England’s Lioness. These are all big names in terms of female hip hop stars in their respective countries.

Yoon’s agency, Jungle Entertainment stated to a news source in Korea, “Yoon Mirae’s promotions abroad are expected to really pick up with a global project song set to be released via iTunes sometime in the middle of this month.”

Source : KBS Global
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JYJ: ‘We Are Still Idol Group’

The idol group JYJ (Kim Jae Joong, Park Yoo Chun, and Kim Jun Soo), who recently released their special album entitled “In Heaven” with their own songs, expressed their feelings about releasing their new album, saying, “We used to color sketches that were drawn by others, but now we are trying to draw those sketches by ourselves for creativity. As we try to contain what we would like to deliver in our songs, we seem to come much closer to music itself.”

“In Heaven” includes songs that were originally included in their music essay entitled “Their Rooms” that was released last January, and those songs that were unveiled during their world concert tour. They had released the worldwide album “The Beginning” in English, but they could not release songs in Korean so far because many music distribution companies in Korea were opposed to releasing their songs because JYJ had been undergoing a legal dispute with their former agency, SM Entertainment. Right after the release of their album was decided after many troubles and difficulties, the order volume immediately reached 300,000 copies, which means that many of their fans have been waiting for their album. The members of JYJ came to a cafe located in Jeongdong for an interview, and they all said, “We could not release our songs regardless of our desire, and we came to realize how important and valuable it is to release our songs not for just making money, but for letting people listen to our songs. We do not know how long we can hold activities as musicians, but we want to present good songs to people as long as possible.”

“JYJ tries to become singer-songwriters by making 80 percent of their own songs in an album” = JYJ had created their own songs from the time when they held activities as the members of Dong Bang Shin Ki, but it is their first time releasing an album with 80 percent of their own songs. It means that they have become the first idol group which creates their own songs. Jun Soo said, “This album contains our experiences of the past two years including the world concert tour after we left our former agency. We have a strong attachment to our album because we made it, and I think that we are facing a turning point with this album. There are some excellent and lacking aspects about our album, but the interesting thing was that there was no boundaries and limitations for us. We had many different trials when we were recording the album, and the recording itself was very exciting. For example, we arranged the song entitled ‘Boy’s Letter’ five or six times over a month.” The title song of the album entitled “In Heaven” and songs such as “I.D.S,” “Pierrot,” and “Nine” were written and composed by Kim Jae Joong, and songs such as “Mission” and “Falling Leaves,” and the song “Get Out” were made by Kim Jun Soo and Kim Jae Joong and Park Yoo Chun, respectively. Their album includes various genres from R&B ballads to pop dance, and from the analog sound of the 1990s to the electronic sound of the 2000s. Jae Joong’s husky voice, Yoo Chun’s attractive low voice, and Jun Soo’s vibrato formed a perfect harmony. The members explained, “We are all different when it comes to the music genre that we pursue, but we have tried to create harmony among us and we finally completed JYJ’s own music. We could achieve this because we trust each other, and we could finally find out the true excitement of music.” Jae Joong added, “I have written songs according to different moods of different days, and I could create different genre music. We recently built a recording room in Samsungdong and a practicing room in Yeoksamdong, and I recently felt like writing songs without taking a break.” But the members reportedly do not want to make all of their songs because they are singers before they are music composers. Jun Soo explained, “Our goal is to present good songs rather than to make an album with our own songs. We will present different music, and we think that it is totally up to us whether we can be acknowledged or not. We only hope that we can have as many opportunities as possible to present our music. We will wait for those opportunities with good songs.”

“There are many difficulties, but we could grow up” = JYJ is confronting many difficulties. They can hardly appear on music programs, and what is worse, their two songs “Pierrot” and “Mission” were banned from KBS as KBS concluded that those two songs included some lyrics that seemed to try to criticize their former agency. Jae Joong said, “MBC and SBS decided that all of our songs meet the censorship criteria after asking us the intention of writing the lyrics of the songs, but KBS did not even ask us anything before they sent us notice that they had decided to ban our songs. We feel very sorry that KBS voluntarily misinterpreted the lyrisc of the song ‘Pierrot’ saying ‘P.S.M,’ which originally means ‘performance success museum,’ as ‘President Soo Man’ instead.” In addition, JYJ’s schedule to appear on the special program for wishing Jeju Island’s inclusion to the “New 7 Wonders” had been canceled, and they also expressed regret about the obstacles to their appearances on TV. Yoo Chun said, “Every singer might want to appear on TV to present their songs. But we will try to showcase our songs anyway through holding performances.” They emphasized that they could achieve something and develop themselves as the members of JYJ in the midst of those difficulties. Jae Joong presented his new potential as an actor with his appearance in the drama “Protect The Boss” and Yoo Chun successfully secured his position as an actor with his appearances in the dramas “Sungkyunkwan Scandal” and “Miss Ripley.” In addition, Jun Soo has become a musical star. Jae Joong said, “We have challenged ourselves with various trials, and we underwent some of those trials regardless of our own intentions and some for our development, and we could become a singer, performance producer, actor, and musical actor while going through those incidents. But the biggest achievement is our resolute mind. We tended not to overcome any small difficulties in the past, but now we seem to have become adults with broad minds.” Jun Soo and Yoo Chun also said, “We felt pressure when we had to experience new challenges before, but now we have resolute mindsets that do not easily stagger at any occasion. We think that it is good thing for us. We will try our best now until the moment when we recall our past with smiles and say ‘We have grown up.’ These days, we do not worry too much and we do not have frowns often, but we laugh more often.”

“We will be a recognized singing group in Europe” = JYJ will try a new challenge again in Europe next month. They will hold concerts for the first time among Korean singers at Palau Saint Jordi in Barcelona, Spain on October 29 and Tempodrom in Berlin, Germany on November 6. Jae Joong and Yoo Chun said, “We have been asked to hold concerts in Europe, and we heard that we have many fans, particularly in Spain. We are greatly anticipating our concert, and we hope that many Spanish fans will sing along to our songs.” Jun Soo added, “We could gain confidence from our world concert tour because we could see that many fans in Asian countries and America actually sang along with us. K-pop songs are hits in Europe these days, and we want to be recognized for our own music that we are good at rather than presenting trendy music in Europe.” Even though they have a conflict with their Japanese agency, Avex, they also have a huge desire to hold activities in Japan where many of their fans have been waiting for them. Yoo Chun said, “Japan has a good performance system, so standing on the stage itself is very exciting in Japan. We want to hold activities in Japan by releasing a single album, having a national concert tour, and appearing on TV.”

“We are still Dong Bang Shin Ki, the idol group” = They still seemed to feel heartbroken about Dong Bang Shin Ki. Asked whether they thought that they had become independent from Dong Bang Shin Ki, they vehemently denied it. Jae Joong said, “Even though we are called two different names — Dong Bang Shin Ki and JYJ — we regard ourselves as the members of Dong Bang Shin Ki, and this is why we named our group JYJ, using the first initials of our names. We are holding activities as JYJ, which is a part of Dong Bang Shin Ki. We have never thought about being independent from Dong Bang Shin Ki, and we do not like the expression ‘former members of Dong Bang Shin Ki.’”

It has already been eight years since they debuted, and there are many junior idol groups, but they said that they still regarded themselves as an idol group. Jun Soo emphasized it by saying, “We are guaranteed to try many different things because we are an idol group. Some are trying to escape the image of an idol group because people tend to have a prejudice that idol groups have a lack of talent in music, but we want to show a whole new image of idol groups by showing that idols can have excellent music ability.”

Source : KBS Global
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Super Junior to Begin World Tour Starting November

Super Junior to Begin World Tour Starting November

It has been announced that popular idol group Super Junior will be holding a world tour.

Starting in November, they will have a concert kickoff at Seoul, and then perform at Osaka, Beijing, Taipei, Bangkok, Singapore, as well as important cities in North America and Europe. This world tour will be titled “SUPER SHOW 4.”

Previously, Super Junior has confirmed their popularity status with last year’s “SUPER SHOW 3,” having continuous success with 20 concerts throughout 13 cities of Asia. Fans have also shown great support in Los Angeles and Paris with the SMTown Live World Tour.

Super Junior’s agency SM Entertainment stated, “Because continuous requests were being made for concerts in various parts of the world, we decided to carry this world tour to a bigger scale. We are anticipating the reactions of fans that have been waiting for Super Junior for a long time.”

The Seoul concert has been announced to be held at Seoul’s Olympic Gymnastics Stadium on November 19 and 20. The concert will feature their hit tracks as well as songs listed on their 5th album. Tickets for the Seoul event will start selling through GMarket on October 13.

Currently, Super Junior is actively carrying out their schedules with their follow-up track, “A-CHA.”

Source : Soompi
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“YGE State of Emergency”: From G-Dragon & Marijuana, Daesung’s Car Accident, to Stocks

“YGE State of Emergency”: From G-Dragon & Marijuana, Daesung’s Car Accident, to Stocks

YG Entertainment is in a state of emergency because of the mishaps that have been occurring lately, that started with Daesung’s unfortunate accident and now G-Dragon and his suspension of indictment for smoking marijuana.

Big Bang’s G-Dragon has caused shockwaves due to his smoking marijuana. He is currently under the suspension of indictment (which is basically a warning) for smoking marijuana in Japan. According to a representative of the prosecutor’s office, “On June 15, there was a search-and-seizure and the urine test at that time had come out negative, in July a hair drug test turned out positive.”

The CEO of YG Entertainment, Yang Hyun Suk stated, “It is shocking, after we have determined the matter of fact we will give out an official response.” An insider of YG Entertainment also stated, “We are holding an emergency meeting. It appears that a lot of plans for Big Bang and GD&TOP need to be changed. G-Dragon will ‘take out some time for self-reflection’ (He is going to take a break from promoting activities). He feels a lot of remorse at the moment.”

Originally, GD&TOP were going to officially debut in Japan with the single “Oh Yeah (Feat. BOM)” on November 9.

Currently Big Bang’s other member Daesung is also going through some “self-reflection time” because of the car accident that resulted in another man’s death. Although he was acquitted, it is being said that he will not return within this year.

YG Entertainment has another major problem, stocks. In June YG Entertainment went through the initial phase for being listed on KOSDAQ, but they are still not listed. Experts are stating that the recent string of incidents will probably not stop YG Entertainment from being listed. However, YG Entertainment relies on its celebrities and their activities. Thus, all of these accidents that are occurring will probably have a negative impact on YG Entertainment stocks if they do become listed.

Currently YG Entertainment recorded sales of nearly $45 million from January 1 to June 30. 27.98% is from Big Bang’s concerts such as “2011 BIG Show” and “Love & Hope.”

Source : Soompi
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G-Dragon’s “Suspension of Indictment for Smoking Marijuana”

G-Dragon's "Suspension of Indictment for Smoking Marijuana"

Currently Big Bang’s G-Dragon has caused shock waves because of the fact that he was seen smoking marijuana and had positive results for a hair drug test.

On October 5, According to the prosecutor Kim Hwe Jong of the Seoul “Serious Crime Squad” department (This department takes care of serious crimes such as drugs etc.), “Currently G-Dragon is under the suspension of indictment for the suspicion of smoking marijuana.”

(Basically, G-Dragon did smoke marijuana, but taking into consideration several factors the prosecutor’s office is not giving him a serious charge, he is not being indicted. This is a form of a “Warning”

According to the prosecutor’s office, around May, G-Dragon smoked marijuana in Japan. The prosecutor’s office gave G-Dragon a hair drug test and the results were positive. It is being said that G-Dragon confessed to having smoked marijuana at a club in Japan according to the report of the prosecutor’s office.

According to the report, G-Dragon, “Went to a Japanese club and received a cigarette from a Japanese stranger, he smoked one of them but the smell was different from cigarette smoke, however he still smoked a little bit of it.”

The prosecutor’s office stated that they put G-Dragon under “the suspension of indictment,” which recognizes the criminal suspicion/charges but takes into consideration other factors such as age, criminal motive, and remorse, etc. Thus, the prosecutor’s office is not officially indicting him.

Source : Soompi
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SM Entertainment denies signing Yoo Jae-suk

After recent rumours spreading about renowned agency SM Entertainment signing comedian Yoo Jae-suk to join them, they finally made an official statement denying the rumour, as reported by allkpop website.

SM Entertainment stated, “We have never tried to recruit Yoo Jae-suk.”

They continued, “A lot of people have been asking whether we were trying to recruit Yoo Jae-suk or not for the past few months. We do not know why such rumours have spread. Why would our company approach Yoo Jae-suk for that sort of reason in the first place?”

Yoo Jae-suk has also denied the rumour. On 30 September, an associate of Yoo Jae-suk told media, “There was a similar rumour earlier this year before Yoo Jae-suk set up his own management company. But they were spread by individuals that were trying to manipulate the stock market and Yoo Jae-suk has never received an offer from SM. The rumour had disappeared after Jae-suk set up his own company. It’s baffling why the rumour resurfaced all of a sudden.”

Last October, Yoo Jae-suk had contract trouble with his agency Storm E&F and sued the company to terminate his contract. After his contract termination, the “Happy Together” and “Running Man” star created his own company and has been active under JS Entertainment.

Source : YahooSG
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