Girls’ Generation Start Teaser Campaign for New Album

Girl band Girls’ Generation released teaser photographs of members Tiffany, Jessica and Soo-young on Wednesday, following an earlier round of pictures of the other three, Tae-yeon, Sunny and Hyo-yeon. Continue reading

Super Junior Hope to Go Beyond Asia with New Album

K-pop group Super Junior, one of the world’s largest boy bands, have released their fifth regular album. In a press event on Thursday, the group, who at one point featured enough members to field a soccer field, talked about their insatiable appetite for conquering the world after enjoying sweeping popularity in China, Taiwan and other Asian nations.
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Super Junior releases 5th album “Mr. Simple”

One by one, SM Entertainment released the teaser images for Super Junior’s comeback. Returning with their fifth album, the members of Super Junior are also taking on a totally new concept. Super Junior will be taking on the concept of “Ubersexual.” SM Entertainment stated their their concept of “Ubersexual” will show a more masculine side of the members of Super Junior while showing their exotic charms at the same time. Their concept will also illustrate that strong, masculine, sexy men can have refined manners as well.
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Just earlier this day, the first MV teaser was released.  They also announce that they will be releasing not only one MV teaser.  Just this 6 pm KST, they released the second MR. SIMPLE TEASER. Check the video below.

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MR. SIMPLE MV teaser is OUT!

Fans all over the world is waiting for this week. August 1, is considered the Teaser day.  And the long wait is over the MV teaser of Mr. Simple is now OUT!  Super Junior Comeback is really a talk of the town! Continue reading